Donate today!
Through check payblable to: Organización Pro Ambiente Sustentable
Send to: PO Box 270440 San Juan PR 00928
Your donation impacts our entire organization, allowing us to continue the work of educating the community and protecting our natural and marine resources on the island. There are different ways in which you can contribute to the OPAS program of your choice. If you want to be part of OPAS as a volunteer, you can access the positions available here.
These are the ways that you can donate:
International Donation
You are donating to an organization located in the United States. This donation will be processed and received in USD and deposited in a United States account. Your contribution is tax deductible according to the laws of your country. Consult a tax professional to learn more about the subject.
To find out how the process for donors from the United States works, you can click here
OPAS es una organización con certificación federal 501C(3) y cualifica para donativos bajo Ley 20/22/60