Eco Ecodes
The Code of Conduct is defined by the Environmental Committee based on the proposals of the different classes or groups. It is related to the Action Plan, being prepared with the greatest possible participation and consensus.
The Eco Codes are requirements to obtain the Bronze, Silver and Green Flag awards. These represent your environmental commitment at your school. They must demonstrate in a positive, clear and creative way the school's commitment to improving its environmental action.
The entire school community, led by the Environmental Committee, should play a key role in the development of the code. This will give your school a greater sense of responsibility for the values āāthat the Eco codes represent. Echo Codes can take the form of simple phrases, a poem, or a song. Your presentation could be an interesting and creative challenge for students.
The entire school community must know and follow the Eco Codes. These must be visible and shared with the entire community. For example, publish them in the "Bulletin Board" of Eco Escuelas, the website, in classrooms, common areas and in the faculty room.
Some examples of Eco Codes:
Respect the forest
Ask the forest for permission to enter
Appreciate plants from their place
Eat healthy
Save electric energy
Use the water resource moderately
Maintain a clean and collected environment
Throw the garbage in the trash can
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Use paper when necessary
Zero waste
Using cloth bags for shopping
Live in harmony with nature
Be in solidarity with nature
Respect insects
Protect birds
Help the animals