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Information and communication

To know if your school is successfully meeting the goals in its Action Plan, you need to evaluate and monitor your progress. This way you can determine if your activities are succeeding or you need to plan changes to your Action Plan. An ongoing monitoring process will help you maintain the interest of the school community in the EE Program.



The method you use to monitor will depend on the goals and criteria set out in your Action Plan, as well as the age and ability of the students, faculty, and administration staff. You may want to consider the following tips to monitor your progress:


  • Analysis of the measured readings to show the effects of energy / water saving activities.


  • Audits every so often (3 months, 6 months, annually).


  • Compare weighings before and after environmental campaigns.


  • Surveys to the school community to measure changes in attitudes at the beginning and at the end of the school year.


  • Get personal impressions of students, teachers, and community residents after participating in various environmental activities.


  • Photographs before, during and after, as visual evidence to support your application to become an Eco Escuela.


  • Create a wildlife / species listing to show the effects of school site development.


It is important to publicize the achievements that are obtained by making use of the means of communication that the school already has, such as bulletin boards, emails, brochures, cybernetic pages, among others. The coordinators encourage the students to carry out the monitoring so that they create ownership in the planned activities.










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